The rapidly evolving science, resting on unparalleled scientific foundation has explored the frontiers of medical efforts to alleviate human suffering. The neurosurgical outcome of a morbid process has been refocused from the concept of an alive individual to restoration of quality of life, in the present scenario.
This has been possible due to rapid and explosive advances in all areas of neurosciences and more precise neurosurgical techniques and instrumentations including operating microscope, neuro- endoscope, implants and drill system. The importance of each and every fiber and tissue of the brain & spine and its adnexa has surfaced, in the outcome profile of patients, by the advent of microsurgical techniques, aided by various localization technologies, monitoring devices and safety methodologies. Be it a Key-hole surgery or minimally invasive surgery, the prime concern is all about normal tissue preservation and ensuring safety standards.
The above mentioned sub specialities of Neuro surgery are being performed at Royal Care Super Speciality Hospital with exemplary results.